Arte a Milano – Opening 17 giugno – Rita Urso Gallery

L’opening sarà giovedì 17 giugno, dalle ore 11 alle 20, nel nuovo spazio all’interno del cortile della galleria, un ex laboratorio di fine ‘800 segnato dal passare del tempo e dall’aspetto ancora grezzo.

L’orario prolungato e l’ampiezza dello spazio garantiranno piena sicurezza.

La prenotazione è comunque consigliata.

La mostra si protrarrà fino al 24 settembre 2021 e sarà visitabile nei nuovi orari di galleria, dalle ore 11 alle ore 19.

Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.
Other echoes
Inhabit the garden. Shall we follow?

These verses by T.S. Eliot inspire the title of the exhibition, Altri echi, which focuses on the concept of continuity of the present time, in which past and future converge.

The works on show emphasise an intrinsic dynamism and a transformative process in progress, underlining the idea of passage as a generative moment of new forms.
The central light installation and the other works on the wall create a harmonious dialogue between design, painting, sculpture and projections.

The opening will be on Thursday June 17, from 11 am to 8 pm, in the new space in the gallery’s courtyard, a 19th-century ex workshop marked by the passage of time and still with a rough appearance.
The extended hours and the dimensions of the space will guarantee full safety. Anyway, reservation is recommended.

The exhibition continues until 24 September 2021 and can be visited during the new gallery hours, from 11 am to 7 pm.

Antonio Catelani, Filippo Cristini,
Dina Danish, Martinelli Venezia,
Michele Spanghero, Marianne Vierø
Altri echi
June 17th | September 24th, 2021


English below
In contemporanea, nel consueto spazio della galleria al primo piano, continua ad essere visitabile la mostra Opere, un dialogo tra Emanuele Becheri e Carlo Guaita.
 intende approfondire il legame ed il dialogo di conoscenza tra i due artisti, dando voce e centralità alle opere stesse, disvelandone differenze e assonanze.At the same time, in the usual gallery space on the first floor, the exhibition Opere,  a dialogue between the artists Emanuele Becheri and Carlo Guaita, continues to be visited.
Opere intends to show the connection and the dialogue of acquaintance between the two artists, giving voice and centrality to the works themselves, revealing differences and similarities.
Emanuele BecheriCarlo Guaita
April 20th | July 15th, 2021

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